Pike brings together the most successful approaches to organizing, advocacy, research and social change.
Building on decades of experience at the forefront of the world’s most significant social and policy fights, Pike approaches every challenge with the same vision: Make the change that’s necessary, in the timeframe that’s required, with the tools most likely to succeed.
Scroll down to see how we tackle humanity’s greatest challenges
The Problem
We all know what’s wrong: Humanity is failing to address the overlapping crises we’ve created for ourselves. Resources, ideas and attention aren’t focused on the biggest issues - and our solutions aren’t working.
Humanity can get past this moment of collective crisis - but only if we tackle the world’s most fundamental challenges head-on, with new ideas that break patterns of failure and challenge age-old assumptions.
Pike brings together a deep commitment to human equality; a profound rejection of violence and manipulation; a love of hard work; and a fundamental belief that everyone - no matter who or where - deserves to survive and thrive.
We take on the biggest challenges on Earth with a combination of highly innovative campaigns, extraordinarily talented people and a fearless approach to problem-solving in the face of the staunchest opposition. We focus on the most powerful actors – those most responsible for the problem, or with the power to achieve major change – and we move them to act. It’s not complicated – and it works.
Why “Pike”?
A pike - or any sharp stick - is the simplest tool for self-defense. Our mission is to help humanity defend itself against existential and deep-seated threats to our survival. Hence, Pike.
Our Programs & Support
To learn more about the specific programs we’re developing, click here. To support our work with a tax-deductible contribution, click here.